12th International Conference on Sri Lanka Studies


A 12th ICSSL will be held in Sri Lanka at a time decisive to the country. The country marked the end of the war that disturbed the lives of people for more than 35 years. Scholars have gathered knowledge of the processes that lead to  continuation and ending of the war. Use of this knowledge in planning the future prosperity of the country is imperative. 12th ICSLS, following its long held tradition of openness will provide a scholarly  forum  to debate and to faciliate emergence of new knowledge useful in shaping the country in the future. The conference will be held from 18th to 20th March 2010.  Theme for the 12th ICSLS will be “ Sri Lanka after the War: Prevention of recurrence, reaching for prosperity “.

The conference will also provide a forum to present and discuss in a scholarly enviornment,  studies conducted and thoughts to guide the future directions of research in topics other than the theme on the past, and contemporary society in Sri Lanka  as well as the Sri Lanka in a global context.

Scholars are invited to contribute by submitting papers.  In addition to the main theme individual papers are also invited on a broad variety of disciplines such as; anthropology, archeology, architecture, culture and society, defense studies, demography, development studies, diasporic studies, distance learning; economics, education, ethnic studies, environmental studies, fine arts, gender studies, geography, history, information science, languages and literature studies, library and information studies; management studies, media studies, philosophy, political science, post-tsunami studies, psychology, religious studies, risk studies, science and technology policy; and sociology.

Contributed papers will be organized into several sub themes.  Please share your ideas with the Secretary to the National Organizing Committee for the 12th ICSLS.

Scholars are also invited to submit proposals to organize panels on relevant topics related to Sri Lanka.